Tuesday, December 17, 2013

growing up


The word freedom is doing what you want when you want to do something without anyone telling you if you can do it or not. College gives you the most freedom that you can get because it is one of the first times that you are on your own. Two words that I think that go well with freedom are independent and responsible. Independent is when you do thing by yourself without anyone telling you to do it. Responsible is when you do the things that you have to do and not the things that you want to do even if they are not the most fun.

I Can Do It Myself


I think that the most important thing that I have learned about myself this semesters is that I can do well in school. That as long as I work hard and do my best work that I will past my classes and will do well. When I first started school I thought that I would not make it. I now know that I can handle the work that I get. As far as next year I think if I keep working hard and stay on top of my work that I should do good. I feel like I have learned a lot this semester but I think what I have learn that has helped me most was all the different ways that I now know how to think. I think that the biggest challenge that I faced so far was time management. It is really easy to fall behind because you put off your work too long or you forgot about. I found the thing that help me most with keeping up with my work was my weekly planner. I found it to helped me so much because I knew what I had to do each week and when it was due. It also helped me to plan for the week ahead. When I had it all planned out in my planner I would not be thinking when was this due or do I have a test I need to study for. All I had to do was look at my planner and I would know what I had to do. I feel once I started with my planner my time management got much better. It made me have to plan out each week and each day of the week. I think that I did a good job at seeing what I was having trouble with. At first the workload was not that much different from what I was used to in high school but as the year got going it started to change very fast. When things started to pick up I saw that I had to use my time wisely because if I did not know what I had to get done for the next day I would fall behind. I would spend all day studying for a test that was on a different day and after that I would have to start to write a paper that was due on the same day. As long as I put the work into that I had to do I would get a good grade. As much as you need to manage you workload I think that the best way to get it all done was by making some time to go and hang out with my friends so I could just take a break from it all. That helped me a lot because when I started back on what I was doing I would get that much more done. My biggest achievement was this semester was passing all of my classes. I know that may not seem like a lot but passing my first semester of college is a really big thing for me. It just showed me that I can do anything that I set my mind to. I thought in the beginning that I might not make it and I did hit some bumps in the road. I think that getting past the bumps in the road just helped to show me that I could pass all of my classes and that I am going to keep doing good in all of my classes next semester too. I just need to think about everything that I have got done and all of the hard work that I have done. I am very happy with how the first part of my freshman year went. All I have to do is keep up with the good work. I will be set for next semester and I know that I can do that with what I have learn this semester.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Study Time


I have been meeting with a math tutor this week to get ready for my final exam in math. I meet them at the DRC and have they have been very helpful to me. I really liked how I could sit down with someone and go over some of the things that I did not understand from class. I was great because they could explain things to me and then show me how to do it step by step. Then they would give me a problem to do on my own and when I was doing it if I got stuck on something they would give me a tip on what I should do or a way to remember how to do it so I know next time.


Be You

Autonomy means that you have the freedom to be your own person determine your actions and live your life according to your own beliefs. It is like how we are allowed to have our own ideas and thoughts about things that we learn in class. Another word I learned this week is patriarchy and that means when the male is the leader of the group or family in a culture. I learned the word hegemony and that means when one group in a society has power of another group in their society and make them follow their beliefs, values and practices.

The End Is Close

I cannot believe I am already finishing my first semester of college, it has been such a great experience so far and I really love it. I am very nervous about finals because I am not a good test taker. I feel like not how hard a study and how prepared I think I am I do not do well on tests. But I am still working really hard at studying and preparing for finals because it is important that I do well on my finals. I started studying a couple of weeks ago so I would have plenty of time to work on learning and reviewing the materials. I made sure I made time to study for each class I have an exam in. I made a schedule of the dates of my exams so I would know which one was first so I could be sure that I studied for that one first. I have been going to tutoring sessions at the tutoring center that I have found to be very helpful because the tutors take the time to review what is going to be on the final exam and teach or explain to you how to do everything. It is like you are learning the material all over again so if you did not get it right the first time now you know how to do it. I also have gone to class review sessions that are very helpful too. I have met with the teachers of the classes that I am most worried about and they are also very helpful and will answer questions or tell you how to do something if you got it wrong or forgot. I have more tutoring appointments set up for next week. I think it will also be important that I take my time and look over my test what I am taking the exam.

Video Remake


From watching video drafts in class I have learned many things that I will apply to my own revision process. Some common mistakes I saw were grammar issues and spelling mistakes. This made me think that when I am doing my video I should take a lot of time to check and make sure the grammar and spelling is correct in my video. Another thing I noticed in a lot of the videos was that the slides were going by too fast so you couldn’t see the pictures good or read the word so I will try to be sure I get my slides to move at the right speed. I also thought that when people were talking it was hard to hear them because the volume was too low and I will check that you can hear what people are saying in my video. I thought watching the video drafts was a good thing because it was helpful seeing what other people were doing in their video. Some of the videos were really creative with great ideas and good ways of doing things. The videos also had a lot of good facts that I thought were interesting. I will try to make my video creative as I can even though I don’t think I am a very creative person and I will also find a lot of good facts and information to put in my video. In my video I am going to use what I learned from watching the drafts to do revisions so my video it very good. I will pay a lot of attention to the spelling and grammar and try to be sure there are not any mistakes. I think watching the drafts also gave me some good tips about how fast the slides should go and what the volume should sound like.