Saturday, November 23, 2013



The way that I will make my video draft show a high level of college level thinking by using examples and facts. If you do not know what college level thinking it is being able to have a deeper way of thought or thinking and to being able to fix your own problems by thinking through them. When I make my video I am going to look up facts from a good reliable web source to use in the video that will show important information. I am I also going to find interesting facts about my topic so it keeps the people who are watching it interested in what I am showing them. I am doing my video about class work and the work load that you get in college. I want to show how much work that an average college student puts into their schooling. I am going to show how much work they do in class and how we also have to continue learning outside the class room without the teacher their teaching us. I want to show how much work we do outside of the class room and how much we do in the class room. So you can see how much work you put into a average week of school in order to be a good student. I think that we say we do a lot of work but I want people to really see how much work they do in a week or a semester of school because it is a big difference from high school especially as a freshman in college. Like when I show the amount of hours we are in class and the amount of hours that we are doing homework or studying for a test or quiz we might have. I think that with the facts and the information that I am going to have in this video it will show how much college level thinking that I did and how much I put into it.


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