Tuesday, December 17, 2013

growing up


The word freedom is doing what you want when you want to do something without anyone telling you if you can do it or not. College gives you the most freedom that you can get because it is one of the first times that you are on your own. Two words that I think that go well with freedom are independent and responsible. Independent is when you do thing by yourself without anyone telling you to do it. Responsible is when you do the things that you have to do and not the things that you want to do even if they are not the most fun.

I Can Do It Myself


I think that the most important thing that I have learned about myself this semesters is that I can do well in school. That as long as I work hard and do my best work that I will past my classes and will do well. When I first started school I thought that I would not make it. I now know that I can handle the work that I get. As far as next year I think if I keep working hard and stay on top of my work that I should do good. I feel like I have learned a lot this semester but I think what I have learn that has helped me most was all the different ways that I now know how to think. I think that the biggest challenge that I faced so far was time management. It is really easy to fall behind because you put off your work too long or you forgot about. I found the thing that help me most with keeping up with my work was my weekly planner. I found it to helped me so much because I knew what I had to do each week and when it was due. It also helped me to plan for the week ahead. When I had it all planned out in my planner I would not be thinking when was this due or do I have a test I need to study for. All I had to do was look at my planner and I would know what I had to do. I feel once I started with my planner my time management got much better. It made me have to plan out each week and each day of the week. I think that I did a good job at seeing what I was having trouble with. At first the workload was not that much different from what I was used to in high school but as the year got going it started to change very fast. When things started to pick up I saw that I had to use my time wisely because if I did not know what I had to get done for the next day I would fall behind. I would spend all day studying for a test that was on a different day and after that I would have to start to write a paper that was due on the same day. As long as I put the work into that I had to do I would get a good grade. As much as you need to manage you workload I think that the best way to get it all done was by making some time to go and hang out with my friends so I could just take a break from it all. That helped me a lot because when I started back on what I was doing I would get that much more done. My biggest achievement was this semester was passing all of my classes. I know that may not seem like a lot but passing my first semester of college is a really big thing for me. It just showed me that I can do anything that I set my mind to. I thought in the beginning that I might not make it and I did hit some bumps in the road. I think that getting past the bumps in the road just helped to show me that I could pass all of my classes and that I am going to keep doing good in all of my classes next semester too. I just need to think about everything that I have got done and all of the hard work that I have done. I am very happy with how the first part of my freshman year went. All I have to do is keep up with the good work. I will be set for next semester and I know that I can do that with what I have learn this semester.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Study Time


I have been meeting with a math tutor this week to get ready for my final exam in math. I meet them at the DRC and have they have been very helpful to me. I really liked how I could sit down with someone and go over some of the things that I did not understand from class. I was great because they could explain things to me and then show me how to do it step by step. Then they would give me a problem to do on my own and when I was doing it if I got stuck on something they would give me a tip on what I should do or a way to remember how to do it so I know next time.


Be You

Autonomy means that you have the freedom to be your own person determine your actions and live your life according to your own beliefs. It is like how we are allowed to have our own ideas and thoughts about things that we learn in class. Another word I learned this week is patriarchy and that means when the male is the leader of the group or family in a culture. I learned the word hegemony and that means when one group in a society has power of another group in their society and make them follow their beliefs, values and practices.

The End Is Close

I cannot believe I am already finishing my first semester of college, it has been such a great experience so far and I really love it. I am very nervous about finals because I am not a good test taker. I feel like not how hard a study and how prepared I think I am I do not do well on tests. But I am still working really hard at studying and preparing for finals because it is important that I do well on my finals. I started studying a couple of weeks ago so I would have plenty of time to work on learning and reviewing the materials. I made sure I made time to study for each class I have an exam in. I made a schedule of the dates of my exams so I would know which one was first so I could be sure that I studied for that one first. I have been going to tutoring sessions at the tutoring center that I have found to be very helpful because the tutors take the time to review what is going to be on the final exam and teach or explain to you how to do everything. It is like you are learning the material all over again so if you did not get it right the first time now you know how to do it. I also have gone to class review sessions that are very helpful too. I have met with the teachers of the classes that I am most worried about and they are also very helpful and will answer questions or tell you how to do something if you got it wrong or forgot. I have more tutoring appointments set up for next week. I think it will also be important that I take my time and look over my test what I am taking the exam.

Video Remake


From watching video drafts in class I have learned many things that I will apply to my own revision process. Some common mistakes I saw were grammar issues and spelling mistakes. This made me think that when I am doing my video I should take a lot of time to check and make sure the grammar and spelling is correct in my video. Another thing I noticed in a lot of the videos was that the slides were going by too fast so you couldn’t see the pictures good or read the word so I will try to be sure I get my slides to move at the right speed. I also thought that when people were talking it was hard to hear them because the volume was too low and I will check that you can hear what people are saying in my video. I thought watching the video drafts was a good thing because it was helpful seeing what other people were doing in their video. Some of the videos were really creative with great ideas and good ways of doing things. The videos also had a lot of good facts that I thought were interesting. I will try to make my video creative as I can even though I don’t think I am a very creative person and I will also find a lot of good facts and information to put in my video. In my video I am going to use what I learned from watching the drafts to do revisions so my video it very good. I will pay a lot of attention to the spelling and grammar and try to be sure there are not any mistakes. I think watching the drafts also gave me some good tips about how fast the slides should go and what the volume should sound like.

Saturday, November 30, 2013



I went to the thanksgiving feast in the Farnham basement last weekend it was a lot of fun. I went with a bunch of people from my floor so it was like we all were having are own personal Thanksgiving meal with our family from school. That is how we act, like one big family so when we all go to sit down together you know it is going to be fun. They held it in the Farnham basement so it was not that long of a walk for me and my friends to get there. I had a lot of fun there and I would tell people to go to the next event like this.


Investment is when you do something with a purpose like when you study so you can get good grades so you do well in all of your classes. You need to have an Investment in your education to do the best you can. The other words that I have heard a lot this week are stress and relaxing. Stress is the emotion you have when you start to feel overwhelmed. And relaxing is when you have time to just stop what you are doing and sit and do nothing for a bit. You need to find the right balance of the two of these to make your life be happy.

Be Thankful


What I am thankful for this semester is being able to go to Southern and how I am doing well in all of my classes. Some more things that I am thankful for are all of the great new friends that I have made over the last couple of months. I would not think that I could have made such strong of friendships this fast but I did. I have a whole new family that lives in my building and we like to say that we are the Farnham family on the fifth floor. That is what I am thankful for that has to do with school. I am thankful for this because I know not everyone gets the opportunity to go to college. I am also thankful for a lot more that does not have to do with school. I am thankful for my friends at home that I will see when I am home and get to spend time with them and catch up with what they have been doing while I was away at school. When I think of everything that I have and then think about how much some people struggle every day for things that I take for granted I am very thankful. I have a nice home with my own room, I have food and clothes and a family that loves me. I know there are people everywhere who are hungry and have don’t have a place to live and my family loves me and is always there to help me so I am very lucky. I have a really lot to be thankful for like my dog who is the cutest dog on earth and is always so happy to see me when I come from school and that makes me really happy.

Get Ready


What I am going to do to let go of some of the stress in my life is spend time with my friends and family. One of the first things I am going to do when I get home is go and hang out with all of my friends from home that I have not seen in a long time. I know that I will have fun when I am with my friends because they are all very funny and you never know what they might do next. When I am not with my friend I will be spending time with my family. I am looking forward to seeing all of my family members that I do not see that often on Thanksgiving Day. I am also looking to forward to just being home with my mom, dad and sister and relaxing at home with them. I cannot remember the last time that we all were in the house at the same time.
When I am not hanging out with my friends and family I am going to be working on some school work and be getting ready for final week. I am going to start to make a study guide for my math class now so I can go over it and really make sure I have a good understanding of what will be on the final exam. I will also be working on my projects for some of my classes that I have instead of a final exam. I am going to make a schedule with all the due date of everything that I need to get in before my finals start. I think with the couple of days off that we have before finals it will be really good for me because it gives not just me but everyone time to take a break and get ready for some really long study hours that we will be putting in for the next couple of weeks.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013



Saturday, November 23, 2013



This week we registered for classes by ourselves for the first time and it was crazy. First you had to figure out what classes you need to take then you had to find the class at a time that you can take it. After you figured out your classes and the times you can take them you had to register on line for them. I was lucky because I got register early but my friends were very stressed about classes filling up before they could register for them. I am happy that I got to miss out on all of that stress that they had to deal with.

Meaning to life

The word for this week is purpose it means why people do something or have a reason have to do something. For most kids my age there main purpose in life is to go to school and get an education to get a good job. Other two world that I was looking at this week are culture and double standards. Culture is the identity of a group of people and their values. Double standards are when something is ok for one group of people but not for another. You can see this any day because culture is everywhere you go and you can see a double standards in lots of areas of life especially if you are a girl.


Creativity ?


I think that the way that I am going to make my video show creativity is by adding interesting facts and showing points that you might not have thought of. I am also going to try give my information out in a different and interesting way showing a different side that I am going to show people. I do not know what I am going to do for my skit in my video yet but I am brain storming about and I want to do something different that will get the viewer’s attention and make then remember what was being said in it. I want it to be cool and something new not like what is usually being done. I want the facts that I have in my video to not be boring facts that you have heard about how much work you do in a week of school, I want to try to find facts that people do not know about or might not have thought about. I also want to have some funny pictures in my video of all different kids from our school doing their homework and studying in the library or in the common area or in their rooms. I am looking to have a music in my video and I have a couple of songs that I am thinking about using but I do not know which one would be the best for my video. I have to decide what song will really help to get the message of my video out about how much work you do in and out of class each day and week. I will be creative by showing people studying at different times and in different places around campus. I will find some weird things people like to do while studying like sitting in a certain place or listening to certain music or using a certain pencil or hiding in a closet for quiet.



The way that I will make my video draft show a high level of college level thinking by using examples and facts. If you do not know what college level thinking it is being able to have a deeper way of thought or thinking and to being able to fix your own problems by thinking through them. When I make my video I am going to look up facts from a good reliable web source to use in the video that will show important information. I am I also going to find interesting facts about my topic so it keeps the people who are watching it interested in what I am showing them. I am doing my video about class work and the work load that you get in college. I want to show how much work that an average college student puts into their schooling. I am going to show how much work they do in class and how we also have to continue learning outside the class room without the teacher their teaching us. I want to show how much work we do outside of the class room and how much we do in the class room. So you can see how much work you put into a average week of school in order to be a good student. I think that we say we do a lot of work but I want people to really see how much work they do in a week or a semester of school because it is a big difference from high school especially as a freshman in college. Like when I show the amount of hours we are in class and the amount of hours that we are doing homework or studying for a test or quiz we might have. I think that with the facts and the information that I am going to have in this video it will show how much college level thinking that I did and how much I put into it.


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Did you know


This week I want to my RA, YoYo’s, presentation called are you Man Enough to be Woman. She talked about the different sexes and all of the different kinds of relationships that people could have. I thought that this was really important because it showed us how you do not just have to be like everyone else. That you can date and still be whoever you would like to be. At the end she had a quiz like thing where you could win a t-shirt. I was ready for when she started asking questions because I really wanted a t-shirt and I did get one when I answered one of her questions right.

Your World


Interdisciplinary Perspective is when you are study or looking at more than one thing and it also how you might look at something. I think that many college students can relate to this because many may have a double major. When you study more than one thing and you need to have the ability to look at things in many different ways. Also when you are going to school you do not just have to take class in what you are majoring in you might need to have more knowledge than that. Two more words that I looked at this week are Hegemony and Patriarchy. Hegemony is when one group of people with more power force their cultural belief on other people. Patriarchy when the oldest male is the head of the family

Hegemony and Patriarchy

Good Questions



Do grades stop college students from trying different things?

            I think that grades do stop college students from trying different things because we are so worried about our gpa that we only take classes that we think we can do good in. When I read Joyce Lau’s article Two Views on Liberal arts she says “The first semester for every student at Swarthmore is pass/fail. You cannot get an A (or a D, for that matter). Professor Chopp was frank about her own less-than-stellar academic beginnings, so maybe she is particularly forgiving of freshmen who are finding their way. She said that this system encouraged risk-taking — not something all academically driven students are wont to do. With a pass/fail system an aspiring doctor can try an art class, with no fear that it will bring down his or her grade-point average, or an artist can try a science class.” I thought this was very true. I would take a lot of different classes in all kinds of areas that I am interested in but would never take because I am afraid they are too hard for me and I won’t do well. I could take an art class or science class if I wasn’t worried I would do bad and get a bad grade that would hurt my gpa. Your grades are the most important thing when you are in college and you have to have good grades if you want to get a job. I am a very bad test taker and worry about grades all the time so I think it would be great to take a class just to learn and enjoy learning without having to worry about passing a test to get a good job. I would also try new things if I did not have to worry so much about grades so I think classes without grades would be a great idea.


Getting A Good Job


The value of a liberal arts education is that it is an education that teaches all different topics and makes you be a thinker not just someone who can memorize facts. You have to take classes in many different subjects that make you think how different things work. In the article Liberal Arts and the Work Place by Tim Hall he says “virtually all employers concluded that "a candidate's demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly, and solve complex problems is more important than their undergraduate major." The ability to think innovatively, not just to recite yesterday's knowledge, now ranks near the top of the qualities sought by employers. The same survey finds that 95 percent of employers give a preference in hiring to college graduates with the capacity for contributing innovation to the workplace.” I think this is exactly why a liberal arts education would be a good thing because it will help you to get a job. The liberal arts degree will give you a way of thinking that employers are looking for and that is a good thing to have. When you get a degree in a specific major you get to have a lot of knowledge about one subject and will be able to get a job doing that thing. But if you have a liberal arts degrees too you will have learned a lot of things about different subjects so you will be a better thinker and more creative which will help you do better at you job. Employers are looking for people who have a degree in the field they are  hiring for but a person who can be a problem solver and a liberal arts degree teaches you how to do that. Having a liberal arts degree will help you get a job and go farther in your career.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Fun Times


This week I went to downtown New Haven and walk around with some friends. It was a lot of fun and it was nice to get off campus for a while. We went to Louis Lunch on Crown Street and ate there that was cool because I have seen this place on TV before. I thought that the food was very good there too and I liked the weird table with all the words carved into them. After lunch we stopped at the Shake Shack for some milk shakes it went well with the burgers we just ate. When we were walking around it was nice to see all the trees with the leaves all colorful. It was a very relaxing day and I would do it again it was easy taking the bus from Hickerson Hall to downtown on Broadway.

Words to know


Innovation is when you think in a new or different way. I think that this is a good thing to do because it can help you can get things done fast and you can find something new that way. The other vocabulary word that I was working with this week is Claim and Backing. Claim is when you make a statement make without anything to back it up. The next world is backing that is something that is to help support what someone might have said.

Claim and Backing

Good to Know


If you look at the blog College Life 101; The New Beginning you can read some very good questions. When I was reading over the questions I was thinking about how I could answer them I thought that it was very well written and made you think without being over complicated. The questions that I like the most was question Two: How can “micro-boredom” affect a college student in a negative or positive way?  I think that this is a strong college question and you could answer it the same way. Another blog that I thought that had good question was Live, Love, and Laugh I liked question 3) how can a student cultivate their creativity and why would this be important in their future? I think that this makes you need to think about how to answer this question right. This question has a lot of parts to it so you would need to make sure you answered them all.

I think that we can learn a lot from this exercise if you were to use this to study you could try to think of way to answer questions that might be on a test or quiz. It also makes you think a lot about what you read when you are thinking of the question that you should write and then answer. I would try this for my next test or quiz to read over all of my notes and think of questions that could be that test or quiz. When I was done with thinking of the questions and finding the right way to answer them it would be a really good way to study and this would also be a good study skill to work on. I do not think many people would think to do this to study before a test.

Q & A


From the reading these would be the four questions that I would ask. I feel like these questions make you think about the readings and what they had to say. When you read these questions you can see how you need to think about each part of the question because they have many parts to them. I think that we could have a class talk on any of these questions or there could be on a quiz or a test.

1) Can being bored be a good thing because it lets you think in a different way that will make you to find something new about things you already know?

2) Does it help you be creative if you are willing to look at something in a different way so you can see it in a new way that you would not have if you did not try something new?

3) Are we most creative when we do not over think what we are doing and let are mind rest and wait for the idea to come to us?

4) Are you not being positive when you are sitting and letting yourself be bored or is that when you can think the most in a free way?

If I had to answer one of these questions it would be number one and I would answer it like this. I think being bored can make you think in different way because you might not be thinking like you would if you had a hundred things going on at that time. when you are bored you are not doing anything so you can use the time to think about things in many different  ways and see things in a new way that make much more sense to you. It said in the article How to “Cultivate Eureka Moments “Imagine: How Creativity Works,” by Jonah Lehrer that “Being able to step back and view things as an outsider, or from a slightly different angle” does help you think in different and new ways. That if you are not doing a lot and you can sit and just look at that one thing that you can find a new way to look at it or to go at that problem.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Being Original

Creativity is when you think of something that no one else has done before or when you look at something in an original way. I think that it is very important to be creative at school because you sometimes need to find a new way to look at something. Two words that we talked about this week were dynamic and distinct.  When you look at dynamic it is be always changing and interesting.  Distinct means to stand out and not be just like everything else. These words are a lot like creativity because I think that you need to be both dynamic and distinct to be truly creative.

All about me


My creative biography using the questions would say the first creative moment I remember is when I was little how I loved to play dress up. I would put on anyone and every ones clothes, hats, shoes, jewelry all of the time and the more stuff I found and put on the more I liked it. It didn’t matter dresses with high heels, my dad’s work shirts with a tie, my older brothers sports uniforms especially his football equipment or my grandparents crazy hats I would wear them all anytime I go a chance. Everyone in my family was there to appreciate it and would laugh and play with me in my crazy outfits. I think the way I put the outfits together was creative because I was not your typical princess dress up girl I liked to wear everything and pretend I was just about anything and imagine I was anywhere in the world. Now that I am grown I am not that creative anymore in the way I dress.
I think the greatest idea I have ever had was getting my dog Duke because he is really cute and makes me really happy. We already had a dog so it was not easy to get my parents to let me get a dog. I took me about two years of constant begging to get Duke but I did it and it was worth my not giving up. What made this idea great in my mind was that that this dog would be all mine and I would take care of him and not have to share him with anyone else. I still think this was a great idea and that my dog is great. He is a fawn colored long hair Chihuahua and is the cutest dog in the world. He has a great personality and is a lot of fun because you never know what he is going to do next and I really love him.

Making a Video


            Reflecting on my midterm video assignment to create a short video I fulfilled all the requirements because I did a lot of brainstorming and came up with a good idea for my short video. I thought of a lot of things that make a Southern a special place and know why people choose to come here. My video was about how Southern is different from high school. There is so much more going on at Southern that makes it so much different than high school. I interviewed 4 people for my video and I used movie maker to do my video. I thought making a video was hard to do and it was hard to get the interviews to come be exactly how I wanted them in the video. I think in the end I told a good story with a beginning middle and end. The title explained what I was talking about in the whole video. I told the story by interviewing other students about their experiences at Southern and their experiences in high school how they were different and what they liked about them. I would give myself a B because I never used a video making program before and had to learn how to use it while I was doing the project and I thought that was hard to do. I think my idea for my short video was good and the people I interviewed were good. If I could revise I think I would interview more people so maybe I could get some different opinions for my video. I would also get better at working with the video making program if I kept using it because I was learning how to use it as I was going. I still think my video was good and I liked my topic and I like that the people that I interviewed gave me honest answers to my questions so it was how they really felt.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Listen and Learn


It was one thing to read the book My Beloved World by Sonia Sotomayor but getting to sit there and listen to her talk was a very interesting thing for me. This is one of the first times I have read a book and got to see the author talk about their life and some of the things they wrote about. Sonia Sotomayor did give us all very important in advice that will help us in our lives. Like when she talked about her family it made me think about how I can take things for granted sometimes. How I should think about what my family has done for me. I do not think that I will get to go and see someone like Sonia Sotomayor again and I am happy that I went and got to have the opportunity to I listen to her talk.

Think More


What is Critical Thinking? It is when you look at the meaning of something with more thought to it, to see all the different things that it can mean. I use Critical Thinking in all of my classes throughout the week. When we are having a class discussions they do not just want us to think about the surface of obvious stuff they want us to go into more detail about it and to understand it in many ways. The two other world that I was going over this week are perpendicular lines and parallel lines. Perpendicular lines are lines that intersect at the same point to make a right angle. Parallel lines are two lines that run next to each other and will never hit or cross each other at any point.

Half Way there


When I look at my mid-term grades I was very happy with them. For most of the classes my grades were I would like them to be. In some classes I need to work on getting my grades up just a bit. I make sure that the grades that are where I want them do not go down. I think that I am doing well right now but I see what I need to work on and in what classes. I think that if I keep doing my homework and staying on top of my work and not waiting for the last minute to do it I will keep my grades up. When I look back at what I have got done so far this semester I am happy with my work not to say that I did not hit a couple of hick ups or anything like that.
From the bumps that I hit in the road I now know what not to do. Like when I walk into my math midterm think that I already know everything that I needed to know so I did not look over my notes that well. It did show when I got my test back because I did not do very good at all. I now know that just because you know what you are doing in class does not mean that you should not still study. The biggest goal that I have for the second half of the semester is to end it with all Bs or higher. That means that I need to bring two of my class grades up and my other classes are where I want them to be so I just need to work hard in those classes so they do not go down. If I can end this semester with all Bs I will very happy with that

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Go To See

This week I went to see the play Shakespeare in Hollywood by Ken Ludwig and directed by Sheila Hockey Garvey.  I liked the play because it took Shakespeare’s characters and puts them in a new situation. I really enjoyed this play because in high school I worked in crew so I did not get to see the plays my school put on in the audience. I liked seeing how good of actors that college kids could be. They must have put a lot of hard work into the play and it showed in the performance. The set was also very good and I know how much goes into that. I will most definitely be go to see another play this year.

Mastery of words

Mastery is to learn how to do something well without making mistakes. I think that this word goes well with being in college because we are all trying to master something in our life. We are trying to master our majors so we can one day get a job and know what we are doing.  Two words that I was trying to master this week were sign and semiotics.  Sign means something that shows the meaning of a different object. Semiotics is knowing way something means that like the reason that something means something.

A Book to Remember


One of the first homework assignments that we got as a freshman at Southern was that we had to read the book My Beloved World by Sonia Sotomayor over the summer. I think that this was a good book to read because it showed us that everyone has challenges that they will have to face and that you should all ways try to make your dream come true.  As you read this book you got to see some of the challenges that Sonia Sotomayor faced in her life. Like one challenge that she had to deal with was her diabetes and how she had to learn to give herself her insulin shots. Her dream was to live the American dream which I would say that she did. I think what you could learn from this book is that if you are willing to put the work into something in your life you can make it far. Even if it is hard at times or if people think that you cannot do it that you will have to show them that you can and will do it. That no matter what your dream is that you just might be able to live it.

                For my six word memoir I used Live Life As You Want To. I think that this goes with the book My Beloved World because she had to live her life as she wanted to. I think if you do not live your life as you want to then you will one day regret the things that you have not done in your life and you will think all of the time what if. I think that I follow this well because I live life as I want to and I stand up for the things that I believe in. I live my life as I want to and I do not let other make choose for me.

A+ work


The two blogs that I found to be an a or a+ quality are the blog On the Path to Success by Kelly Robinson  and the other blog is Inside the Owls Best by Jacqueline Reis.  I think that they make their blogs very interesting to read and they give you the information that you needed to know. Their writing style is easy to follow and fun to read. When you go on to their blog page they are very easy to look at they are not like over done with too much stuff going on. They both have a pattern on the border of their blogs that goes with the background color of their blog page. I liked how this looked and thought it was a good way to make your blog page look good. It also made the page interesting to look at without making it distracting.  In the blog Inside the Owls Nest they used a good picture to go with what she was writing about. The pictures made the blog interesting because they were colorful and used lots of fonts but still related to what she was writing about. They were placed well in the blog and got your attention. Their blogs were easy to understand and got still got their points across. I think that is a good thing because people like to be able to look at something and get the information they need from it right away in a blog. It is not like a book where you want to read lots of information with a lot of details and description. A blog should just be bursts of information to get your point across. I think these two blogs did a good job of doing that. These blogs were attractive and had good information and did not go overboard so I think they are a or a+ blogs

Saturday, October 12, 2013

What to Eat


This week I went down to the health center that was decked out with the space theme that was all around campus for homecoming. When you go past all that I found some information that I thought was really good to know. I was looking at some things about eating healthy.  Now I know when I am up late at night and I want a snack what I should look for. Like if I go to eat some Cheeze Its I should put that down and eat a cheese stick or when I go to eat a candy bar I could eat a granola bar which can be just as good as a candy bar sometimes. That you should keep a healthy snack on you at all time so if you get hungry you can still eat something good that is good for you. That if you are eating right that you will feel full longer and have more energy to do more things in life.

Did you Know


What does it mean to fail? To me it means that you did not do something to your best of ability that you could have done better. I think that Failure is a good thing in life because that is how you can the best at some thins but no matter what you are going to fail at something in your life.  Two new word that I learned about this week are denotative and connotation. These words go well with each other because if you do not know the difference between these words then you will get them mixed up. Denotative is the real meaning of the work or the literal meaning of the word like it is described in a dictionary. Connotation is the meaning of the word that is given to it by the way it is used in everyday life.


Denotative and Connotation

Things to Fix


I think that one thing that I need to work on this week are my study habits. I feel like that I wait until the last minutes to start to study. I do not think that is the best way to study especially when I have two test on the same day then I feel like I am just not getting the information that I need to know to do good on the test. What I am going to do this week is try to study every day for an hour so I can figure out things I do not get and go over the things that I know. I can keep looking over them so I am not just walking into the test thinking that I know that why should I have studied for it. The thing that made me see that I need to change how I was studying was that I know that I could be getting higher grades on my test and quizzes that I was taking. I just want to do that best that I can so I do good in school. The things that I am learning are very important to my school work. I am also going to try go to a tutor so I can talk to someone about things that I am not understanding that well. I think if I can do this every week then I will do well on my midterms and my tests for the rest of the year. I just need to look at my schedule and see where I can take out the time to just sit in a quiet room and go over my notes. I think that I have to learn that I need to find that right away how to study and the right habits for me so I can do my best. I know once I get into doing this every week I will not even think of it as something I have to do it will just be part of my routine for school.

Can you Fail


I know from first hand experiences that kids are not allowed to fail in any way. They cannot fail at school ever even when they are playing a game there will always be a tie because then everyone is a winner. The kids in the generation below mine are very much protected from failure and do not know how to fail or what it failure is. I think that they are very much pressured not to fail in many thing. Now how you have to be the best in your class as a kindergarten, to be the smartest in school or the best at sports. If you are not then you are not good enough. I do not think there is a safe space to fail for kids or they might not feel comfortable with failing in front of others. I think if you do not know how to fail then how will you learn to fail from your mistakes. That no one is perfect and that everyone on is going to fail at something as easy as a test because you did not study. If you think you cannot fail and if you do fail then you will just crumble. How can you do anything if you are the only thinking about failing?  If you cannot fail I do not think that you will get very far in life.  You can learn the most from things you have failed at like in the article The Myth of ‘Practice Makes Perfect’ it says “But what we don’t do is intentionally look for ways that we’re failing and hammer away at those flaws until they’re gone, then search for more ways we’re messing up.” That when you see what you have failed at then you will be able to learn that much more from your failures in life.  

Read more: http://ideas.time.com/2012/01/25/the-myth-of-practice-makes-perfect/#ixzz2hYJFVhrM

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The hall


This week I went to my hall counselor. I thought that it would be boring but I found out a lot of cool things that were going on around school. One thing that I did not know is that we can help make things for homecoming weekend like a banner or the float. I also like that if I had something to say or an idea we could share it and other people would talk about it to see if it was something that we could do for my building. I am happy that I went I am going to back next week.

word to think about


If I said you do not give up that you work hard and do not stop till you get done would you think that I am talking about persistence? To me persistence is someone who is not going to give up because you have to work hard to get something done, that you will not quit half way through it. You need to be like that because you cannot walk around giving up on things. Some other words that were important are Synthesizing and Analyze. Synthesizing means to when you combined different thing to get a new mean or a better understanding of it. Analyze is when you look at something closer to get a new understanding of it.

Synthesizing and Analyze

Try And Try again

Blog B6

This week we talked about how it is okay to be wrong. That you should own up to your mistakes that you can actually learn a lot about yourself if you are willing to say yes I made a mistake. Sometimes you need to make mistake to learn new things. This is about taking responsibility for what you have done. It is like the marshmallow test they did on the children where they had to wait and not eat a the marshmallow because it tells you a lot about yourself like "the children who rang the bell quickly, seemed more likely to have behavioral problems, both in school and at home.” They had more problems at home than the one that could wait and control themselves.  It is all about how you act when you are faced with a challenge in life it is all about who you can handle it.  If you can be like yes I did mess up but I know what to do. If you want to do something good with your life do you need to know how to get passed a challenge that might stand in your way? I think that you need to know how to do that if you want to go far in life.

            When you can work hard you are gritty. That is a good thing to be in life but there is different levels of gritty there is scale of 1-5 that you can be on. It just tells you how hard you will work at something in life. When “people might be gritty about some things and not others.” that they might not get all their work done if they are not willing to put in the hard work all of the time. When you are working you need to know that you cannot work hard at one thing and not another because you do not like it.


The right word

Blog A6

I think that the big challenge in my life that I had to overcome was my speech impediment. I had to go to speech form the age of 2 till I was about 15 years old. It took a lot of work for me just to talk so others could know what I was saying. When I was talking and would come to a word that I know that I could not say right I would have to say it many times just so they would know what I was talking about. I would go to a speech class every day at school just to work on my speech. I would also go home with a list of words to say so I could practice to get better at them. If I was not working on the list of worlds I would be practicing making the sounds over and over so I would know how I to get it right when I would talk. The letter that I had the hardest time with is the letter R the sound and words with R in it. When I was younger I would get embarrassed when I could not say a word right and just said never mind and stop talking. I felt different for other people. I did not understand why I could not talk like other people did or I would ask myself why does everyone else talk right but not me. I think that thing that I learned from it was that I would have to work hard at something if I wanted to get better at it and that everyone has something that they would like to change about themselves so life could be easier. That if you do put time and effort into something that does not come easy to you that one day you will get better at it. Then you will not have to work at it and it will come to you without thinking about it and you are going to say that word right.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Be Active

Blog 5I

       I checked out the clubs and thought I would like to join is Best Buddies because it works with people with developmental disabilities and this is what I want to do in the future. I have worked with children with developmental disabilities and liked it a lot. It is very important because I have a cousin with Autism. The other thing I would want to do is an intramural sport because I think it would be fun thing to do and I have always played a sport. It is a good easy way to stay active and still have fun.

Word power

Blog 5V

Agency is to take action make something happen like when someone really believes in a cause and fights for change. It is the power to get people together and work to get the same thing done that will make others people’s lives better. Other word that I talk about I lot this week are emphasis and tone. Emphasis is when you make something stand out so you see the imports of it. Tone is how you use your voice to let someone know how you feel. When I have to use emphasis and tone in my paper it is import to know what they mean and how to use them right.

Emphasis and Tone