Saturday, September 7, 2013

life Lessons


                As I read through the readings this week I found that they answered a lot of questions that I had and they had a lot of useful information about college life. While reading them I felt like we were reading what was actually happening in our lives right now. The reading about How to Become a Deep Thinker at College was interesting to me when it said “calculate the number of hours per week you will need to handle the workload for these courses.” If I sit down and do this I will know how many hours I will need to work for each class and will be able to make a good plan. This will help me manage my time and that will keep me from feeling like I am falling behind in my work.

                The reading that I liked the most was Work Hard or Work Smart because it showed you there are different ways to work but you have to find the right way to get you the farthest.  Just because you work the most doesn’t mean that you will get the most credit for it. The reading explained “The answer to the question, if you haven’t it our already, becomes simple. It is to work both hard and smart. This may sound overly simplistic, but how often do we consciously pick the times that we are going to work hard and smart? How often do we look into the mirror and think about our strategy for the day? For the week? For the month?” This is such great advice, to plan out your day, your week, your month in order to manage your time so you can work hard and smart. I think this is very important information for me and that I will use it so that I can get the farthest and get the most work done.


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