Saturday, September 7, 2013

The year of organization

      This year one thing that I do different is that I am now using the calendar on my laptop that is connected to my phone. If I want to do something I can look at my calendar or at my phone and see if I have anything that I need to go to at that time or if I have a paper or a test the next day. I like feeling I am very organized and I have everything all planned out. I think that it is working out very well for me. I like that I know what I am doing at all times so when I might want to go out and have fun I know if I should stay home and do the work or study for a test that is  coming up. In the past I did not plan things out very well. That would get me into a jam sometimes with getting all of my work done on time. The goal that I set when this school year started was to stay or organized and keep up with my work. I think that it is working out well because I have everything on my calendar. I know that it is only day 9 of the school year but I am keeping up with all my work and I know when it all is due. The thing that I have learned that is always better being on time with your work and knowing what is going then when you are just wondering what you need to have done for the next class. If  want to do your best you have to be on top of your work at all of the time knowing when you have to stay home and do your homework or when you can go out and have some fun. 

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